
Welcome, and other assorted pleasantries

Many years ago, in what were approximately the Dark Ages according to more full-fledged digital natives than myself, there used to be a small cadre of fussy, brilliant, and insightful people running a collection of websites, like planets in a wide-set solar system, about their experiences, knowledge, and study of Lilith. We used to call this a web ring. Very Web 1.0.

I was a bit young to be one of the people running those sites, and even now, while I can certainly claim the moniker of “fussy,” I am less certain of the other two. But I benefitted greatly from their collective knowledge and writing, in my early days of stumbling onto my path (a protracted stumble which lasted somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 years, granted). I used to sit up and comb through their sites well into the evening, and some of them I still remember vividly, though they can only be found through the Wayback Machine today.

I say all this because I don’t see a modern incarnation of that now, in 2022. The internet is quite different than it was in the early 2000’s — built for constantly shifting attention, memetic posts that can be consumed in seconds, and aggregated onto only a handful of sites which control almost all of the content through algorithms and make the creation of larger projects by smaller people much more difficult. They have also rendered those attempting such projects functionally invisible.

And I don’t expect, or necessarily want, my site to be any different. But my hope is the hungry and the tenacious will find it and that there will be something here of value for them. I hope I can be a voice of at least questioning, and if I grow into my shoes, perhaps even clarity, in an environment where spirituality is increasingly commodified, and few entities are more bastardized than the effigy of Lilith, from nearly every conceivable direction.

So this is my little corner of the internet, my labor of love, quietly placing bricks in an abandoned corner of online culture, with the conviction that those who look will find, and hopefully those who also feel a desire to build such things will be encouraged that it’s worth doing, even if only for your personal edification.

So, the Library (which is nowhere near complete, check back for what will probably be pretty much daily additions for a while) can be a place where you can read, research, and come to your own conclusions about Lilith’s mythology. The Articles section can be a place where you read more about mine, both spiritual and academic. And this blog is a place for my thoughts, art, personal gnosis, and daily happenings on this path.

I’d class myself as a Lilithian, and yes, that’s a term I made up, because no others fit any better. My path is a mix of ideas filtered through the lens of how I understand Lilith and the quiet but firm place she’s always held in my life. I’ll get into it more with time.

But for now, welcome, and make yourself at home.

– Caretaker

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  1. I am hungry and here I am. I don’t know how many times I searched “Lilith blog” into Google over the last year and a half. I am loving your blog BTW!

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