HousekeepingMonthly wrap-up

Happy new year, and the months ahead

Happy 2023. Library of Lilith is turning one year old pretty soon, and I’d like to thank everyone who’s written to me, as well as those who’ve donated. I’m really glad to see the library getting some use.

Going into the new year, I’d like to try something different. No promises on the precision of my schedule, especially in the front half of the year, but I am going to be posting a book review every month. Obviously I can’t post many of these books in my library for copyright reasons, so hopefully it will help those of you considering various books about Lilith decide what interests you. Feel free to leave me suggestions, as well.

I also want to note, because I don’t think I did so in any prior posts or newsletters, that I have an article in the Studies section about the concept of an imposter Lilith and the destructive side of the path.

Enjoy, and happy new year.

– Caretaker

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