
Conditioning, Study, and the Meaning of the Ritual

Although updates look fallow at the moment, I assure you there is plenty going on behind the scenes. Namely, I am sorting through hundreds of sources, so that they can actually be catalogued here in a way that makes sense. In the mean time, here is a post I made to another account some months ago that bears repeating. I may post a couple of these in the coming week.


I’ve been thinking about something, inspired by the ask I got the other day.

One thing that pops up every once in a while in the ”Lilith web“ is, “Why isn’t there any dedicated sect of Lilith? Why are those interested in her always so solitary, and Lilith as part of an organized religion only appears as an ancillary character when she is clearly so central within her own mythos, and within the gnosis of all who are called to her?”

I think the reason for that, is that to actually get anywhere as a Lilithian requires a much greater overcoming of conditioning than most other types of paths or archetypes. The barriers to even start are sky-high, and there are many decoys and dead ends along the way.

Most never do get anywhere. Many continue to spin in circles forever, lost in the various twistings and lies of those who peddle her archetype for their aims. Most never understand her beyond a symbol of a hollow sort of pop feminism, or a convenient tool of commodification.

Lilith, like any chthonic archetype, will not do the work for anyone. You have the opportunity, but ultimately you must open your eyes and see.

And a primary problem with that, is that most of the coherent stories of her that still exist are either tools for someone else’s aims, or they paint her extremely “negatively.”

The latter is what I’d like to talk about here.

We are taught that, when we read spiritual texts, we are to simply accept that whatever value judgement that text is giving must be taken at face value as “true.” We are taught not to question that assignment of morality, or what the meaning of morality even is when applied to facts of life, no matter what our own personal values or instincts are. If something is described “negatively,” then it is.

A lot of Satanists have learned to challenge this at a basic level. That is to say, if they accept the social narrative of morality, and then read this spiritual book (usually the Bible, in this case), they can identify that they don’t think this book lines up with the social narrative of morality, and therefore they reject it, at least in an ethical sense if not a cosmological sense.

But a Lilithian, to progress, requires a deeper and more expansive ability to challenge conventional morality. You must question the social narrative of morality at its very root, to be able to understand the course. And I don’t mean this in the sense of behavioral nihilism, or other sorts of pearl-clutching moral fears that fuel stuff like “Satanic panic.” Any real understanding denies any reason for such actions, as I’ll get into at some later point.

What I mean is this.

Have you actually read what it was reportedly like to be undertaken by Lilith? Have you sat with it? Have you studied it, rather than reflexively thinking “but bad!” and then trying to find some way to either ignore it or spin-doctor it to fit your society’s preconceived notion of morality?

Have you considered who benefits from that notion of morality?

Have you asked why?

If you are uncomfortable considering those questions, then my suggestion would be that you have not yet arrived. You are still searching.

And that is good. Keep searching. But to arrive at the path, you must do so with the resolute desire to question absolutely everything. You must trust your own mind enough to trust it to think for itself, even on the deepest and most troublesome issues of humanity. This is why I always say that you should read everything — including the untrustworthy and the flawed. You must trust in yourself to discern.

Most Lilithians never trust themselves that much. They get sucked into some mockery of Lilith’s effigy, engaging in neo-pagan apologetics about how Lilith is actually a very motherly and “morally” pure goddess of fertility. Or, they get taken advantage of, by those cults that use Lilith as a justification for cruelty and abuse, particularly sexual.

It is easy to do, because the Lilithian path is perhaps one of the most difficult paths to actually find. We tend to be vulnerable. We tend to only find the path when wrapped in complete darkness. And thus, we tend to be solitaries, and we tend to understand that it is impossible to “teach” this path. You must combust into it. I doubt there is any other way. Trying to push someone who is not mentally ready simply results in breakdowns at best, and a propensity for atrocity at worst. All I can do is hope that I will be a bit of kindling for someone who is groping in the dark.

I am of the personal belief that we do not have much choice about what resonates to us. The path we take to wisdom and transcendence is informed by the nature of who we are, and thus the way we perceive and understand information.

All of them have their own challenges. But the challenge of the Lilithian path is simply being able to find it in the blinding light pollution of social conditioning.

Like mapping the stars, you can only find this path when you turn off the lights.

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  1. I have maybe thought it out that I have to reach out to this path instead of begging Lilith to answer me for attention.

  2. You can say she is not a motherly goddess if that doesn’t resonate with you.

    But for me I will say that she has been nurturing to me, in a far different way then my mother ever was. My mother is a narcissist, who is always looking for a way to elevate her perceived social status. Go there for a visit, and she will show you all the materials she has gained since the last visit, of course after the visit she returns the goods because she can’t actually afford it. But the real reason for my gripe with her is the drama that follows her everywhere, the neglect I experienced growing up, and her absolute inability to love anyone or anything except herself. She didn’t nurture me, or help me to grow, she switched on the TV in my room and told me to go fly a kite. I was so confused by women in my 20’s that there actions felt very alien, and I always thought that whatever they said there was some kind of subtext. So maybe people see her as motherly because their own mother was lacking?

    Lilith has been extremely helpful in my own development. I started my journey last year with her so I am still a baby W lol. I quit alcohol, cut out harmful foods, quit pronography, got my finances in order and started a daily exercise regimen. She was there every step of the way and even led me down into some very dark qlippothic places, and pulled me out when she felt that I was going to change for the worse. I still don’t always know the meaning behind everything that she says to me in the wee hours of the morning, or when she wakes me around 3am, but she stopped telling me I am spinning in circles about 3 months ago because I actually finally stopped.

    Before this I never would have thought that this was my path, but it makes sense now in hindsight. I always questioned established rules, and came to my own conclusions about what is moral. I really resonate with “our inability to choose our own path”. I tried Christianity, seriously, and I tried Buddhism too, and neither excited me like working with Lilith does. It just felt like I was going through the motions.

    I don’t actually see her as my mother BTW, or as a lover either (I would beat down any presumptious thought like that), instead I see her as my God, because she answered my call and seems to care enough to listen and talk. Even when I accused her of being a sexual parasite because of a forum post I read, she showed me an image of a bunch of trash on a front step, and said that saying that hurts. I have accused her of absolute garbage over the last year, and she stuck around and never took it out on me.

  3. I am currently still seeking the path. Reading and questioning things have been map and compass. I just wanted to thank you for lighting some torches for us fellow travelers to follow and help guide us.

  4. Man, I know this is an old post but I’ve been making my bones with Lilith.. and it’s not about the physical growth or even the spiritual growth I’ve made. But this surreal experience I’ve been having during this stage of my mid twenties. I’m a male practitioner, and I have been indulging, ravishing the essence of her vampiric nature, the side of her that’s mysterious, dangerous, & unrelenting. I have dived deep in my trauma bonds that have lied dormant for so many years, dormant and neglected. And she guides me, as vulgar as I am. Firing spoken sigilry through my wording, being silent and swift, indulging in eroto-comatose techniques even at work! I feel so free, not just from the bonds of society but the the bonds that limited myself for so long. I’m trying to word this in a way that makes sense but it’s so hard, It’s as though I’m an anti hero many have dreamed off, and I’ve now emerged ..ready to shake the world. If this comes off as nonsense or babble, well at least I tried eh? I hope you all are doing well!

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