
And a happy near year.

Well will you look at that.

Pretty cool little New Years present.

As the second year of the library comes to a close, I just want to thank everyone who’s written, engaged with me, and sent me corrections and thoughts.

Have a great new year and I’ll see you on the other side.

– Caretaker

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  1. Hello! I don’t know the circumstances of your departure or if you still keep up with comments, but I would love to hear from you again.

    1. I’m around. My mental energy and writing time is just consumed elsewhere at the moment. I knew when I started this site that it was to be a resource first and a personal account of my thoughts second, for exactly this reason — my attention and free time comes and goes. But I’m still very much here. If you’re interested, I did write a new Article about Lamashtu a month or two ago in the Academic Theory section.

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