HousekeepingMonthly wrap-up

February wrap-up

I’ve decided I’ll do a little summary post at the end of each month, particularly for those of you who’ve subscribed to my newsletter (thank you!) in order to let you know about various additions to my site that you may want to check out.

February has been a pretty active month, in which I’ve been working away at properly categorizing and uploading my various sources. I’m still not done, but there’s been a number of major additions.

In the Articles section under Academic Theory, I have published my analysis of Gnostic literature, evaluating the possibility that Lilith appears as the Luminary Eleleth, commander of Gamaliel, with Naamah appearing as her metaphorical daughter in the form of Norea.

In the Library, I’ve added a new section called Names. There are at least half a dozen cultures with the classic story of Lilith (or locally translated equivalent) giving a list of names, and at some point I hope to catalogue them all in one place.

Also in the Library, resources have substantially filled out in the Broad, Mandaean, Other Gnostic, Abrahamic, and Occult sections, although several others have also been started as well.

I hope you enjoy, and here’s to spring.

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