Note that some of the resources here may contain a fair amount of repeated information, and also occasionally some information that, in more recent years, is broadly accepted to be incorrect, or that I personally think is incorrect. But I feel they are all worth taking a peak at and, their powers combined, lay a good foundation for understanding Lilith’s major landmarks through history.
- Lilith Wikipedia page
- Lilith, by Symbol Reader
- Rosh ha Satan and the transitions of Lilith
- Demonology: Who Is Lilith?
- Lilith, by the Biblical Archaeology Society
- Notes by
- The Name “Lilith”
- Lilith: From Demoness to Dark Goddess
- Lilith, by Supernatural Creatures
- Lilith, by Haunted American Tours
- Lilith’s Story
- Stalking Us for 9,000 Years: The Levantine Origins of the Undead
- Useful and interesting Lilith links (Please note several are broken — see my Wayback links below. The Gilgamesh story can be found elsewhere in my library under Sumerian/Akkadian, and Hebrew Myths, Ben Sira, and the Zohar (in Sefaria), under Abrahamic)
Oldies but goodies that have a special place in my heart, as some of the earliest sites I saw.